Join therapist Caleb Visser as he helps adults think through how to discuss mental health with teens. His focus will be primarily on identity formation and fostering agency within teens.
Tickets are Pay are You Are Able through Eventbrite. Reserve your spot for this limit space workshop.
Caleb received his Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. In more than a decade of work in clinical settings his focus has always been with adolescents and teens, starting with work in a residential foster home, spending two years working for the Cowlitz Tribe, and most recently in a contracted position in a local high school. Caleb works well with teens, building rapport quickly, working with parents when it's helpful, and trying to get to the heart of difficulties. Caleb is heavily influenced by the work of Daniel Siegel (The Whole-Brained Child, Mindsight, Brainstorm) and feels that the teenage years present a special window of opportunity for learning greater insight and empathy, as well as skills for self regulation.